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Party with a Purpose!

Join us Thursday October 24th to catch up with old friends and meet new ones.  We will enjoy dinner, drinks, silent auction, entertainment and more!

Each ticket includes dinner and 1 drink.  All funds raised will benefit the UCHS Annual Fund. See you on the 24th!



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Best number to contact you if questions.
YES! I want to Party for a Purpose & purchase tickets.requiredEach ticket provides dinner and 1 drink for one person.
Each ticket provides dinner and 1 drink for one person.
Feeling Grateful? An additional $75 will provide TWO tickets for a teacher.

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<p>Checks should be made payable to University Christian High School. Please make a notation as to what the donation is for.&nbsp; You can drop off or mail to 602 7th Avenue&nbsp;NE, Hickory, NC&nbsp; 28601.&nbsp; Thank you!</p>
<p>Cash can be brought to North Campus front desk at&nbsp;UCHS. 602 7th Avenue&nbsp;NE, Hickory, NC. Thank you!</p>