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Welcome Back Barracudas!

Help us stay in touch and update our alumni directory! Fill out the short form below - we promise we will not inundate you with emails.  You will be subscribed to our quarterly Barracuda News email and receive occasional communications when we have big news to share.

We'd also love to hear your story.  As UCHS alumni, you have invaluable insight into what makes our school so special and why it was the right fit for you.  What you have to say is often the most relevant and meaningful sentiment for young people and their parents who are exploring options for high school. If you so choose, there is an optional reflection section in the link below for you to share your thoughts. With your permission, we may incorporate your reflections into our marketing materials. 

The Inaugural UCHS Alumni Reunion was held on August 10, 2019.  Over 125 alumni and their parents gathered for this first alumni event. There were graduates in attendance from each year beginning with our first graduating class of 2012!  Everyone enjoyed a delicious BBQ dinner as they shared stories of their time together at UCHS.  We hope this is just the first alumni event of many more to come!  For more photos, click HERE.