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Board of Directors

Board of Directors

University Christian High School is a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS).  It is governed by an association of Lutheran Churches.  The representatives of these association churches elect the UCHS Board of Directors.  Elected members of the board serve a two-year term and can serve only two terms consecutively.  A majority of the BOD members (4) must be members of LCMS congregations. Other BOD members include a chaplain, a representative from Lenoir Rhyne University, and an ex-officio member from St. Andrews.  Board members are not compensated for their time and duties.  If you wish to email the UCHS Board of Directors, please click below.


Samantha Beerli, Chair

Mrs. Beerli is a founding partner of Seenkea, a printing company located in Hickory, and the parent of two UCHS graduates. She has served on the Marketing Committee for the past five years and brings a business perspective to the Board.

David Reitzel, Vice Chair

Mr. Reitzel is the CEO of Community Bank Real Estate Solutions, LLC.  David returns to the Board from his earlier years with UCHS as a former chair and former UCHS parent.  David was the key driver in the actual creation and development of UCHS.

Betsy Murray, Secretary/Treasurer

Betsy Murray is the Assistant Principal and Preschool Director at Concordia Christian Day School.  She has over 30 years of teaching and administrative experience.  She was a part of the beginning of UCHS, which was housed at Concordia for the first two years. She is a member of Concordia Lutheran Church and has a daughter at UCHS. 

Rev. Shea Pennington, Chaplain/Member

Pastor Shea is the Associate Pastor at St. Stephens Lutheran Church & School and the pastoral representative on the UCHS Board.  He is here to serve and support the holistic well-being of students and staff at UCHS.

Susan Matthews, Member

Mrs. Matthews is an attorney with her own practice, Susan Williams Matthews, PLLC, in Conover, North Carolina. Susan is a member of Concordia Lutheran Church, and her three (3) children attend Concordia Christian Day School. She brings her legal expertise along with her experience serving on various other community organizations to the Board.

Michael Thomas, Member

Mr. Thomas is a parent of two UCHS students and a Partner with the law firm of Patrick, Harper & Dixon, LLP in Hickory. He brings his legal experience to the Board as well as his extensive service in leadership roles with other community organizations.  He is a lifelong member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Hickory.

Michael Gerken, Ex Officio

Mr. Gerken is a parent of a UCHS student and a Thrivent Financial Advisor.  His Thrivent office is located in Newton, NC.  He brings knowledge of accounting and financials to the board as well as a parent's point of view.  Michael is a member of Concordia Lutheran Church in Conover. 

Pastor Christy Lohr Sapp, Ex Officio

Rev. Dr. Lohr Sapp is the pastor of St. Andrew's Lutheran Church and serves as adjunct faculty at Lenoir Rhyne University. She is delighted by the partnership in ministry between UCHS and St. Andrew's.

Meaghan Texer, Ex Officio

Mrs. Texer is a former board member and parent of two UCHS graduates. She recently served on the Principal Search committee that brought Mr. Barrett to UCHS, and currently serves on the Marketing Committee and coaches the Swim Team. Meaghan is an active member of First Presbyterian Church, Hickory NC.